Saturday, 1 February 2020

Back again, where did the year go

I thought I should make a blog post, I've missed a whole year. I post on my Facebook Page and Instagram, but have decided I still need to add things here from time to time.

I've done lots of teaching since my last post, travelling to Queensland, NSW and SA as well as teaching in Victoria and from home.

We've had terrible fires across Australia this summer as you've probably seen and we're only half way through summer. The volunteer fire fighters all deserve a medal and unfortunately we have lost a few, so sad. So many houses and animals destroyed. Drought, winds and high temperatures don't help the situation. 

Just a few photos of some of the things I've been making.

Fabric Art Quilt

Fabric Cards

Fabric Bags

and Necklaces


Marlien said...

Welcome back

Heather said...

I love each of those things you have made for this post. They are so different from each other but very individual to you and your style.
I pray that the coming summer wont bring more terrible fires to Australia. The pictures I have seen on our TV news and here on Facebook have been terrifying. My heart goes out to all those affected.

Annie said...

I love all your fabric creations. Especially the delightful art quilt.
Many, many prayers for the end of the massive fires and the safety of Australia.

Jan's Art and Musings said...

Love your work! Very inspirational.

Radka said...

All of this work is so beautiful :-), love the bag!

Ro Bruhn said...

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. it's good to be back.

iHanna said...

I think it is celebrate-worthy if any of us old time bloggers sticking it out and keeping at it.

Your art is so beautiful (as always) so I'll be glad to see your blog posts!

Happy New Creative Year Ro!

florenel said...

So happy to meet you here again!

What a disaster happened to your country.Incredible sad.