What a lovely surprise arrived in the mail on Friday. This lovely package from
Sharon as a thank you for visiting her blog and leaving comments on her 'Art Party' weekend. If you haven't visited Sharon's blog it's definitely worth a visit, she produces some great art.

Last Thursday night was the monthly get together of our altered book class, these are all students who have taken my altered book workshops. We meet for three hours once a month and work in our books, swap ideas and goodies and I go over the things we've covered in the workshops. Sometimes I teach them something new, as I did on Thursday, I showed them how to carve their own stamps from Ezy carve blocks.
What a fabulous group of ladies were there, Margaret, Sue, Patsy, Claudia, Nicky, Pip and Cheryl, the owner of the store. We did a swap of paper napkins and anything else we had more than we could use ourselves. The photo above is my collection that I received, including two art books that were no longer wanted by Sue, and three fabulous optical lenses from Claudia who so generously gave them to me after I'd complained in the previous class that they were hard to find.
This really is a fantastic group, so inspiring, I love seeing their enthusiasm for my recycling of anything that can be painted or glued, they never throw anything out now. Show and tell is also a fabulous part of the night too, Patsy always has so much beautiful work to show and gets us all going.
Can't wait until the next one.

This is a new metal cabinet that my brother in-law dropped off to me a couple of weeks ago. I've had to re-arrange my studio to accommodate it, but now my studio works so much better. I have three of these cabinets and the tops make great work areas, as you can image by now the drawers are almost full, it doesn't take me long to fill them.

This is the top of the cabinet, as you can see it's already well in use.

This is the collection of 'stuff' that sits on my jewellery bench top, it's ever increasing, but it's amazing how seeing things jumbled like this, helps when it comes to putting items together.