I start to realize Christmas is close when it's time to make the Christmas puddings. It's hard to find a continuous six hour stretch when I'm going to be home for cooking them, that doesn't include the preparation. I made them for years, then my father said he would like to give it a try, so he and my mother took on the task for about ten years. He asked last year if I'd mind taking over again as his arms aren't quite up to the mixing. I couldn't complain considering he was eighty seven last week. The small pudding is for them as a they are the 'official taste testers'.

We had some much needed rain over the weekend, it's hard to believe looking at this photo that it's summer. My poor roses were swamped with the deluge. The garden is now taking on a tropical feel, when the sun comes out, with all the lush new growth.
I'm trying to add some stock to my Etsy. I've added another small hand made journal, some more fabric and button kits, although I see one has sold which is great, Thanks Shirley.
I've had requests for my hand carved stamps in the past so I thought I'd give them a go too. The leaf one below will be in my store shortly.

OOOhh those puddings!!!Mmmm
Love the new items for Etsy. Your carved stamp looks fantastic!xxx
I keep telling myself that one Christmas I'll make pudding but the hours of cooking are too much for me! I'll stick to make a Christmas cake ! Cool stamp !
What kind of pudding???
I have only made persimmon pudding, but the persimmons are not to be found yet this year.
I love your scraps book in the previous posting.
Hi Ro!
Here, I no longer make puddings (my grandmother did so I really should continue that) but I make my mother's black walnut cake. Mmm. Nothing like hers but still...
Your stamps are lovely! And so are the photos of the gardens and areas. Here in the US of A we are having the cold and the snow and ice everywhere, it seems. It's great seeing that it's summer somewhere in the midst of this.
Your Correspondent in Georgia
Mmmm! Love plum puddings. The stamp turned out really nice.
Hi there Ro
Your puddings will be delicious I am sure! And the new carved stamp looks wonderful.
I caught up with Jacky on Sunday and she gave me the beautiful collage she had bought for me from your exhibition. I love it Ro! And am so thrilled it is mine. I remember admiring this at the exhibition and didn't know that Jacky had bought it for me. It is beautifully framed too. Will find a lovely spot to hang it in my home.
And I popped over the Monica's blog and saw your 10 x 10 quilt piece for the quilt project. It is beautiful Ro - lot's of lovely color. I am so pleased we are in this project together.
Sending you love and good wishes for the festive season - wish I was a taste tester of your puddings :).
Dot xx
mm.. That is something I should do before I die... there was a big debate on how using suet like the old fashioned way was actually better...but then..where do you get suet??
I love christmas pudding my dear mum used to put cold tea in her's.
Your new stamp looks great.Is there no end to your talents Ro
Yum yum.... looove homemade Christmas pudding.
I used to always make one for our family in the calico cloth (my favourite part the skin!!!).
I'm the only one who eats it now, so have stopped making them.
Love your handcarved stamps and will definately keep an eye out for them. I used one of your leaf ones in my journal class and loved it!
Jacky xox
Instead of the usual plum pudding, my mom used to make cherry pudding every Christmas. Soooo delicious!
I love the journal you are making in the last post Ro.
Ro, yes the "rain" wow, what a deluge, so needed...
Those plum puds look amazing! and I love your hand carved stamp!
Any blooming flowers look good to this cold Oregonian! Puddings - you are ambitious. Have a slice for me on Christmas, with tea and cream and sugar. Love the stamps. I carved another lady face and bought two new blocks today. Maybe I will try something botanical. - jeanne
I'm going to get that journal! I better not be late!!
How fortunate you are to still have bothparents. I hope they enjoy the puddings.
Hi Ro,
Wishing you a very happy Christmas...enjoy the pud...and a prosperous and peaceful NEw Year...in 2009!!!...
thinking of you...Julia...xx
Hi Ro = well I've heard of plum pudding of course, but I don't have a clue what it is - for us it is the pan of fudge that is tradition - so many variations and all the christmas cookies of course - your summer looks so nice - here we are in the deep freeze with a huge storm on the way - thanks for your kind comments on my blog!
oh Christmas Pudding? what is in it....six hours, now that is love! ;-)
Happy Birthday to your father and Merry, Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Wishing you healthy, happy, full new year!
How'd the pudding turn out, Ro? James makes fruitcake every year from an old family recipe. No one will eat it except Maise...hee hee...just kidding!
Happy Holidays!xox
Your stamps are fabulous! Really have such a vibrant alive feel and look to them!
Season's Greetings!
Sandra Evertson
Oh yummy!!! home cooked Xmas pud, I can taste it already!
Love the new journal and stamp.
Have a great Xmas and enjoy your tropical heat, I sooooo..... envy you.
never ate them.....happy hollidays
Wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year,
Hi Ro and happy holidays to you! Yummmmy pudding. Looks like fun to make. I only remember making some on the stove (out of a box, sadly) when I was a young girl.
Hope you're having fun!
I can almost smell the pudding, thank goodness Mum does all that though.
Have a safe and happy Christmas.
That STAMP! What beauty! I don't know what Christmas pudding is... it has to be stirred a lot? I'm a naive girl from a fly-over state. If it's not grits or fried chicken I don't get it.
I'll go look it up. I bet I can stir pretty good after so much cookie baking!
That stamp is great too.
Wow......woman, you're an ispiration.
I've got to check out those carvings.
Thanks for dropping by my blog.
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