I've started to add more button and fabric kits to my Etsy site. I'll be adding more shortly.

I'm not sure if I'm going to add more to this page background or not, the minimalist, which hardly ever rears it's head in my presence, says no, but we'll see.

This is a test page for some of my stamps.

These are more pages from my book made from scrap paper, envelopes, old catalogues and brochures. I love the way you can see so many layers due to the different sizes of paper. This will be a work in progress for awhile. I like to add cards and their envelopes, especially if they have overseas stamps and postmarks.

Above is a stamp I carved for myself, I love patterns and this one is so versatile. I've used it here with acrylic paint. These papers are for a new larger journal that I hope to have on my Etsy soon.

I finally remembered to take my camera with me on my walk today. We pass this row of magnificent Eucalyptus ficifolias or flowering gums and every time I forget to take the camera. I remembered today. The colours are so intense from shades of orange, red, pinks even magentas. It's a native of Western Australia, but luckily it grows in the other states too. The bees get drunk on the nectar, there's a constant buzz when you stand under the tree. You can even see a couple in the close up photo.
What a multitalented person you are...the stamps are wonderful designs...love their balance and symmetry...and it's always great to get a look at an artist's journal pages...thank you for sharing..
Hi Ro,
Thanks for sharing such a lovely day with me...It was so great to see more of your work up personal...I love the new stamps esp the ones featured on your new pages...xx
happy lost in your colours
I just always love seeing your pages and your journals and your hand carved stamps and your colors and your garden! Thanks
I love how this journal looks Ro. The layers of different size pages are fantastic. Great stamp too.
Delicious to have a nice swim in all the colors. So much inspiration here; do I start with the stamps, the books, the fabric, what? mmmm, a great way to start my day. xo
i love the book with the different size papers, envelopes etc. how colourful and delightful it must be to work in! love your work. might just have to get some of that colour to wing its way over to me in canada! olwyn
Simply glorious, as usual! Looking at your pages is pure joy.
Ro it was so lovely to your journal in the flesh yesterday...just gorgeous and so much detail and beautiful colour!!!
Love your new pattern stamp, lots of possibilites with that one!!!
Didnt we have a lovely day yesterday at Julia's? Patsy will be pleased to know that I got into my journal today...thanks for her prompting. Dont think about it, just do it, let it flow...had lots of fun with it!
The ficifolia is gorgeous with all of its colour. They have a Ficifolia Festival in Drouin (on your way to your daughters) so you should drive through if you're going up that way soon as they have Ficifolia's all down Princes Way as you enter the town.
Love your homemade stamps! I was just planning out a new one the other day when I noticed I hadn't used any of my own stamps for a long time. They are even fun to carve aren't they,with that rubber.
Great images Ro...looks like you have been busy with those pages...once again wonderful...
Oh the colour of those flowering gums!!! just magnificent.
i always love coming here to see what you have been creating... these stamps are the best! You are such an amazing artist!
thanks so much for your kind comment today, so nice to hear from you, always.
Hope you had a wonderful Australia day. Kevin has been watching tennis everyday....i love when they spotlight something in the city.. ohhh to be back in Melbourne again!
Oh wow, just wonderful! All the layers of colour, thoughts and ideas....a feast for the eyes as usual!
Such beautiful impressions - thank you!
Great images Ro,I love the look of your journel yes I know I love the colour it must be the heat LOL.
Your new stamps look awesome printed
Hi Ro,
I love your journal! I'm inspired to get going on mine again. Yours looks fantastic, and I love those stamps.
Your entries are always a pleasure to read and view, they are a hit of vibrant colour energy.
That tree is stunning, the flowers are beautiful.
Just as I type this, I hear on the news that you guys are sweltering over there in 40+ degree temperatures...YIKES! that is far too hot! Hope that you are coping and staying as cool as you can.
Ro, great to see all the colour and movement. Thanks for you comment re weather...have had no power for 24hours....you can imagine.
It did force me into drawing though as the studio is too warm.
Very cool photos, Ro. Love the journal page-the colours are gorgeous.
I love the photo of the buttons :)
And I enjoyed looking over what you've been up to.
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