The first picture is a sneak peak of a necklace I've been commissioned to make for Jacky. I can't show it all until she receives it, it's somewhere in transit at present. Jackie loves horses so I've tried to subtly include them in the piece. This is a very old chandelier crystal with an image of a horse and her foal hidden behind and encased with silver solder. You have to look into the crystal to see the image.

The other photos are from todays altered book workshop. It was a glorious day, warm but not too hot, we had lunch outside, drank champagne to celebrate a birthday and blogging event and created lots of art as you can see








Another fabulous group of ladies, tomorrow is clean up time ready for the next one.
Looks like another fabulous class Ro.... I wish I had been able to make that one. I found a wonderful set of books that I intend to alter...will make that a project for 2009 to do at least one of them (I have to use my pomegranate serviette !!!). Lovely to see those familiar faces again too from last class.
My necklace looks arrived in today mail and I am absolutely thrilled with it. Have been wearing it all day. Love the little jingly noise it makes when you wear it. THANK YOU.
Wow. That was quick! Thanks for a great day Ro - I really enjoyed being in your space and sharing your wisdom.
xxx mandy
Oh the fun you have had! Wish I was there....
Ok..that's it... I have to move to Australia. That's all there is to it!
Want to be in one of those classes..really....
Ro, sounds like you are at work - can't imagine adding your day job to all you do! - class looks like it was really fun! - so many different takes on a theme!
I love it that all the pages are beautiful in a different way. And wow you are busy. Love the necklace you are making.
Keep pedaling; things are sure to slow down eventually. That was how my summer went too; glad winter finally came. xo
thanks again Ro, for such a lovely day of art and chatter, and food!
diet starts today....
WOW Ro I LOVE the necklace I see a touch of Keith there.Your class looks amazing.I bet the ladies had some much fun with you as the teacher
PS Bought any Tin SNips lately!!!
Ro, I love looking into your workshops. Thanks so much for sharing. If you didn't live on the other side of the world from me I would delight in attending one! As it is, I will just take inspiration from your posts. The jewelry piece looks interesting. Can't wait to see the whole thing.
What a tease you are, to only show a bit of that fabulous looking necklace! It looks like your workshop was a lot of fun too.
Hi Ro...
Now this necklace looks amazing...would like to see more.
Yes great day yesterday. Thank you Ro...loved it.
What great fun! I love the new necklace and was able to see the horses clearly behind the crystal....another beauty!
Have a great vacation..sounds like it is chuck full of adventure. I'm so envious of the sunshine.
Looks like your year is off to a great start, Ro.
I hope we get to see the necklace in it's entirety.
You certainly bring out great things in your classes.
xxoo K
Your students did great!
Can't wait to see the finished necklace!
Lunch outisde ? Grrrrrrr I'm jealous, it's all white with snow and -15C° here !
You are a tease with the necklace and i am so glad jacky has recieved because now we can see the whole piece.
Have a happy and peace filled New Year Ro.
Ahh yes my tin snip mates!!!
Everything looks great here Ro.
your workshop looks fabulous - i loved every student spread! i only wish i could have been there to play with you all. i know what you mean about the new year going so quickly, it's flying. this is the first day i've taken in weeks to catch up on my friends blogs and i feel like i'm taking a mini vacation, so much beauty and inspiration here.
happy new year ro!
Happy New Year, Ro! Those were beautiful pages by everyone in your workshop. Wish I could have been there!
Oh, my, you are SO right about this year, and time flying! I'm exhausted and I haven't even done anything.
I would love to go to your workshop in altered books. Look at these! Really fun and beautiful. Thank you for sharing their photos.
they all look happy!
You must be a wonderful teacher... is that our Adorable Jo... Hi Jo!
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