Wow what a weekend. I've just returned from the art retreat in Fremantle WA, unfortunately I was only able to attend on two of the days not three, but I still had a fantastic time. My husband came too and spent his weekend touring the coffee shops, taking photos and buying me beads from the market, he's a gem.
I did
Nina's 'copper booklace workshop' and
Michael's 'pez dispenser totem workshop'. I wasn't able to fit in
Lesley's workshop which would have been great because it was transfers and journals.
There were a great bunch of people there including two ladies who I hadn't met before who only live in the next suburb to me, which was amazing since it's a four hour flight to WA. There was even a lady who had flow out from Canada. The tutors were fabulous giving us so much of their time and knowledge. Nina is such a lovely lady and we introduced her to the art of biting off the corners of tim tam biscuits and sucking the tea up through it, I don't think she'll be rushing out to try it again, but we got some great photos. I'll include the necklace I almost completed in Nina's workshop as soon as it's finished.
Michael's class was amazing, I have a much greater respect for liquid nails now, having worn it for most of the weekend.
It's incredible what you can stick together and then paint and turn it into a rusty, still functioning, relic, in this case pez dispensers. I've included the two I made in class, they're not quite complete, but almost. Jo and Jackie
Artistic Journey did a wonderful job of organizing the retreat, they put so much time and effort into it, if they have one next year I would definitely recommend it to everyone.
We were lucky to be coming home today as the temperature in Perth reached 42 deg C (104 degF). Nina, Lesley and Michael also left for Sydney so they missed the heat too.